Monday, October 5, 2009

It occurred to me the other day while I was peeing on some fox poo that the protocols surrounding different types of poo can be confusing. It has taken me nine years to figure it out. Perhaps it would be helpful to other dogs if I summarize my learnings below.

Accordingly, the following poo protocol synopsis has been developed.

Storm's Poo Protocol Summary

Goose Poo

Rabbit Poo

Fox Poo
Dance around, then pee on

Horse poo

Cow manure

Pig poo

Coyote poo
Respect. Don't pee on it. Don't eat it. Sniff it, and give it a wide berth.

Bird poo

Dog poo
While I realize some dogs may disagree, I say give it a big PASS

Racoon Poo

Deer Poo
Roll in

I think that covers the poo I frequently encounter. If any of my dog readers are aware of a poo I have omitted, feel free to send the poo and its protocol to me and I would be pleased to add it to the list.

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