I really was having a great nap yesterday morning - mind you, while being forced to wear a red and white scarf with a freaking pom-pom in honour of the Canadian men's hockey team that was playing for gold while I napped. There I was, snoozing away, dreaming of all sorts of delicious things like eating rabbit and goose poo, frolicking in the lake, chasing down bunnies and squirrels...when all of a sudden...'YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" - the sound of my human screaming filled the air.
Immediately I jumped to my feet, ready to guard and protect the human and our den from whatever abhorrent evil had invaded our sleepy Sunday morning.
But, I sensed no distress in the human.
Turns out, the idiot was yelling because Canada scored a goal.
After staring her down for a few seconds, I returned to my dreams.