Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another heat wave

After a few days of Storm-approved summer weather, we are getting hit with another heat wave. Looks like I will be spending the next week or so walking very slowly, panting, and sleeing on airflow grates in the house. Maybe sleeping in the den too, since it's nice and cool down there.

My human is going away for a few days on Saturday, so Auntie Diane and I are going to party down together for the Canada Day weekend. I LOVE it when she comes to stay with me. I expect we will go for some slow walks and eat popcorn together and stuff like that. Can't wait!

I had a great night at physio last night. Did twenty minutes on the underwater treadmill! The human feeds me liver treats during my breaks. I LOVE LIVER TREATS. Then again, I also love goose poo - I am not really fussy.

Stay cool everyone!

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