Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've Still Got It, Baby

Sunday. Bronte Creek Provincial Park.

The human and I were on a leisurely stroll, walking by one of the park's wooden fences when...there it went.

A squirrel. Black. Brown tail.

Tearing along once of the fence lines.

Yeah, I am old and arthritic - but when faced with such temptation, there is only one acceptable response.

Run like hell and try to catch the squirrel (dragging your leash-bound human along behind you).

It ran left.

I ran left.

It ran right.

I ran right.

It stopped.

I stopped and stared at it.

It ran again, I ran again.

We're talkin' flat out running, my friends.

This happened not once on our walk, but twice.


The human turned to me after the hunt ended and said ' you are SO going to pay for this later '.

Ohhhhh, was she right.

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