Friday, April 25, 2008

Sad Storm

I'm a sad dog today.

I've spent most of my day moping. And waiting.

Mike left the pack early this morning.

And he hasn't come home yet.

I went for a little walk with Lesli shortly after he left. Saw a couple of trucks I thought might be him. Tried to run after them, but was held back by my damned leash.

Came home. Ate breakfast.

Moped. Waited by the front door for awhile.

No Mike.

Went to Bronte. Had a nice romp there.

Came home.


No Mike.

Got a peanut butter kong and full treaty ball when Lesli went out. I licked the kong, played with my treaty ball for awhile.

But it felt meaningless. The joy wasn't there.

I went back to moping.

Lesli came home. After a brief, somewhat excited greeting, I returned to my post by the front door and waited for Mike.

Then we went for a ride and a walk at Paletta Mansion.

Came home.

Didn't even ask for dinner.

I just laid down on the carpet and assumed my forlorn face.

I ate dinner - but wasn't as excited about it as I usually am.

Since then, I have continued my front door vigil, interspersed with occasional rests on the couch while gazing sadly at the front door.

Still, I wait.

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