Monday, August 3, 2009

Today I got to see where my human goes during the week.

First, we went through the Second Cup drive though on the way to work, like she does every morning. She got a cafe mocha. I got a dog treat. We continued on to her office, which is in an old house in Hamilton. I was pretty excited - always fun going to new places. We parked, I sniffed the front porch, and then we went in. She showed me around - I checked out all the offices, the kitchen and the bathroom. I also conducted a thorough investigation of all garbage cans. Some were disappointing, but one or two proved to be fruitful.

I played with my treaty ball for awhile, had a snooze, went for a nice walk on the grounds surrounding her office, sat in the shade under a big tree and generally had an interesting morning.
There are tons of squirrels and chipmunks at her work. She's so lucky. If I worked there, I know for sure I'd NEVER get any work done (unless you consider ridding the premises of rodents work - then I'd be a super effective worker).

Think I'll have another sleep now.

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