Monday, August 13, 2007

The White and Black Bunny

I lost count at ten bunnies this morning, there were so many - and all so close.

There was one strange bunny, though.

On Burloak, we were on the east side of the street and this strange looking bunny stepped onto the street from the west side, getting ready to cross and heading toward us. Because it was so weird looking, I started to bark to warn everyone. Lesli looked over, saw it and started to pull me away. Usually she lets me get close to the bunnies...not sure what she didn't like about this one.

Maybe its colour? It was black with a white stripe from its head to its tail.

I don't know what her issue was...

It stood on the street for a few seconds with its tail up in the air watching me bark, before it decided not to head toward us after all and went back onto the sidewalk.

Really wish I had been able to get closer to it.

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