Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wild Day at the OLDP

Lesli and I have been meeting up with Diane and Cosmo pretty much every day at the off leash dog park at Bronte. I have such a great time. Some days, we get there before Diane and Cosmo. Lesli has learned the extent of my superior senses finally, because I always sense that they're about to arrive long before the dumb human sees them coming around the corner and into the parking lot (how these humans survive with their less than stellar senses, I will never know). Once I sense they're coming, I go nuts and run to the parking lot. I guess that makes it hard for Diane to drive, with me rushing her van, so Lesli puts me on the leash now until Diane is parked and out of her van. Then she lets me go, and I FLY to the van - through the fields, over the hills, nothing can stop me.

Sometimes, Diane and Cosmo get there first and they hide on me. I see their van when we pull in, sniff it, and try to find them.

Yesterday was a particularly good romp. Diane and Cosmo brought Bella, a golden retriever puppy. We had some great chases in the grass - I really felt like playing. We met up with Beau, another golden, same age and almost Bella's twin. Those two were embarrassing. Like Romeo and Juliet. Inseparable and crazy. Cosmo played "fun cop" and let them know when they were simply having too much fun for her taste, and I stayed close to the humans.

When we got to my "secret" watering hole, I took them all down there.

When Bella emerged, the humans gasped. She was absolutely covered in mud. It was exceptional. I was somewhat jealous. The humans kept saying they wished they had cameras. This golden retriever was caked in mud from the bottom of her paws to about two thirds of the way up her body. And she was, of course, overcome with joy about it.

I wonder how long it took to get her clean?

We're getting ready to go there again now. Boy, I sure love Diane and I really like Cosmo. We get along well. I love our walks.

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