While Lesli was on a date last night (more about that in a moment...) I noshed on some of the toilet paper in the upstairs bathroom. She put a new roll on yesterday. The ones from Costco - huge double rolls. So much to eat. I just wish I could conceal the evidence, but, without an opposable thumb, I have to leave the toilet paper pulled down and chewed at the end when I'm done. Which gives me away. She came home, went upstairs to change, and I hear the inevitable "Stooorrrrmmmmmmm....what did you do??". I went upstairs and did my pretty dance. Ears back...head low...wiggle my butt alot...always gets her. Like, yeah, I did it. Couldn't help it. It's just so damned tasty. Look how CUTE I am! How can you be mad??
And I'll do it again, too.
So, my human went on a date last night - she's getting better at this. I'm trying to teach her that, just because one doesn't work out, it doesn't mean you give up on love. Love is everything. And if one guy hurts you or turns out not to be the one, that's ok. There will be others. You just forget about it and move on to the next adventure. When Vimy, my boyfriend in Ottawa, bit me...it was hard, but I moved on. And what do you know - I met Riley! I don't hate Vimy - I still like him. Why not? Why hate? I don't even know what that is - but I can't imagine it would do me any good to know. So, Lesli dates and is starting to believe that there is a magical, wonderful man out there who will come into her life when the time is right - and only fate knows when that will be - and he will be crazy about her, just like I am, and want to spend time with her and want her to be everything she can be.
I think I'm a good influence.
Back to my morning nap.