Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March Blahs

So, haven't posted in a few days. Not much out of the ordinary going on to tell you about. The weather has been crummy. Lesli and I are doing shorter morning walks because the sidewalks are really icy and hard to walk on. We are currently getting another snowstorm. The human isn't happy about it. Me, I'm excited - it means I'm going to have a totally awesome time at Bronte today!

Mike is staying with us, and I am perfecting my stalking capabilities while he's here. I was devastated the other morning when we came home from our morning walk, and he was gone. Gone, I tell you! I looked everywhere for him - I searched in the yard, in every room in the house, I even looked in the big blanket on the chair. But he wasn't in it. I went upstairs, saw that the door to the guest room was closed, and figured, well, I SMELL him in there, so that must be where he is. I laid down outside the door and waited. And cried.

Lesli came upstairs when she heard me cry, saw me waiting plaintively by the door and said we needed to have a talk about throwing myself at men etc. Whatever. I'm not going to change. Even though he irritates me - a lot - I like him. He feeds me things. What's not to like?!

I ate his razor last night. Ohhhh yeah. I sure did. Lesli, who knows me well enough to realize that a missing Storm means trouble, asked where I was. Mike told her I was upstairs eating toilet paper. She called me, and I came right down.

I did my "ohmygodIamsocuteandinnocentdon'thurtme" dance. It worked.

Lesli went upstairs later to get ready for bed, and found the evidence. I left the razor on the bathroom floor. She came flying down the stairs with it in her hand, and the two of them hurried to determine how many blades were in the razor and ensure they were all accounted for.

Apparently, eating razor blades isn't good for you?

I didn't eat any. I just chewed them up.

I really don't get what the issue is.

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